Shane in Pakistan

I will be traveling this year with a group of people from Eastern Mennonite Missions to Pakistan. Our aim is to offer ongoing help with the aftermath of the 2005 earthquake. We will be helping with the cleanup and rebuilding effort in a village called Bugna. For more information about Eastern Mennonite Missions, you can have a look at their website:

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My first week in Kashmir. December 2005

I traveled to Pakistan last year with a group of men from Eastern Mennonite Missions who were sent in response to the October 8, 2005 earthquake. Our aim last year was to be emissaries of peace, provide what help we could, and to offer any comfort that we could to the people affected by the earthquake.

40 men went to Pakistan; 16 of us were sent to a village called Bugna, which is in the Hindu-Kush mountains. In Bugna, we met up with an organization called the Human Development FoundationLink
We started working on the field hospital that HDF had set up there. Starting out with building "rooms" in the Hospital tent itself. We also built a set of stairs from the parking lot to the hospital tent, and a latrine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work, your blog was short but I enjoyed it. Pakistan is probably the only country where I don't have missionary friends in. Keep up the great work! Asif Zamir, Toronto Canada

9:24 AM  

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